i used to feel like i had to post only pictures of me on this page, to resonate with anyone. (example, 1st pic) but the truth is, i’d much rather share pictures of what i see. (example, 2nd pic)

what you see in the first pic — is that i probably thought i looked cute or something.
but do you know what i saw?
i saw a sunrise grow over the horizon. the smoke filled sky, caused the sun to burn a bright pink hue, with hints of orange & yellow. i saw a catch & release fisherman and began to wonder, how excited he felt getting up that day. to the rest of the world, it was just another mundane monday. but not for him. no. for him, he woke up with a fearless heart. he made a cup of coffee, stared out into the dark, bleakness of the night. he got in his truck, because he had to be the first one on at the stream. i thought of how peaceful he must have felt, as he drove home.
i set my hat down & bent down to my knees. i grabbed my camera to capture the way the water flowed. in & out. smoothly. caressing every rock, with the lightest force. i remembered to put my camera down to soak in the moment. my eyes watched as the sun danced over the water, glistening with that burning sun. oh how alike that stream & i are. always pushing our boundaries. finding our way back to the current. crashing amongst the rocks, causing havoc in the most unnecessary ways. gentle. forceful. present.

i glanced over & noticed the cabin. does someone live there? most likely it’s just part of the trailhead, or for a park ranger or something. but i allow my mind to pretend anyways, just because i can. i bet they wake up everyday in the same exact place & feel just as excited every morning. maybe the fisherman lives there.
i carry on my way, noticing & collecting every detail i can. accepting that i feel completely alone in that moment. rather than fearful, i recognize I’m okay. i don’t mind being my own best friend. sure sometimes she talks way too much, but her soul has a way of calming me. at reminding me to see the world differently. i begin to make my way home, feeling peace on that mundane Monday.
And I remember, at the end of the day, we’re all just walking each other home. 🌲